Martin Luther King Shows Trump How To Be 'Presidential'
Posted by Luke on Dec 4th 2017
We all thought there were some battles that had been won - battles we'd never have to fight again. And then Trump goes and shares far-right propaganda - reminding us that the age-old war on racism isn't over just yet.
I wish some of the greats of the past were able to come back and encourage us a bit. Put a real leader, like Martin Luther King, next to Trump, and the contrast would be incredible...
At Radical Tea Towel, we've imagined just that - and used the idea as inspiration for our alternative Christmas movie.
At a White House press conference, with Trump under pressure over his support for far right groups, someone helpfully hands him a tea towel to wipe away his sweat...
If only...
If you like our movie, please do share it on social media!
We had fun making it, and it's reminded us how powerful Martin Luther King really was - especially in contrast to this Trump guy.
Thanks for the inspiration, MLK!